Welcome to ESC! We hope you enjoy your stay.
We apologize for our lack of activity this semester. We are doing our best to get things up and running in the smoothest, most efficient way possible. As a reminder, we aim to provide the best possible hub of experiences, memories, and impactful servitude for all of our members. We appreciate your patience; the team will be pushing out announcements about our future as soon as possible.
How much are membership dues?
Dues are $30 per semester or $50 per term (two semesters). Member dues will allow you to indulge in weekly meeting catering, sport an awesome ESC T-Shirt, and help the club be able to fund food, projects, and other miscellaneous operating costs! We greatly value your contribution and will do everything to see it returned to you.
When and where do you meet?
We are in the process if finding out an adequate meeting location and time. For now, it is looking like we are going to aim for Monday afternoons at the ETB. Again, we will let all of you know ASAP!
Is there any application process or requirement criteria for joining?
Nope! Any help is appreciated, no matter how little or how much. We are aware that some students do not have enough time to dedicate towards a hefty project or maybe are not interested in any ongoing operations. This is why we offer a variety of volunteering opportunities outside of project work such as our outreach programs or collaboration events. Additionally, in any case you do not feel prepared enough to aid in a project, our leads are more than happy to serve as mentors and find you a place in the workload.
This page is being constantly updated with new annoucnements or information*